Free Download! Post these Rules on your fridge!

Divorce Rules
Post these rules on your refrigerator as a reminder of your commitment to care. Ask your child to let you know if you forget one of the rules. Never reprimand your child when he or she gives you feedback.
Coparenting Rules
Dear Coparent, The decision to divorce or separate was a grown-up decision. Let’s do everything in our power to minimize stress for our children by honoring these coparenting rules.
Fair Fighting Rules
Disagreements are going to happen. Here are some does and don’ts that co-parents can use to keep things fair and to keep the lines of communication open.
Parenting Plan Checklist

Parenting plans may be developed by parents, their attorneys, with the help of a mediator. Read More
Our Family Wizard

The Cooperative Parenting Institute is pleased to announce that we are now an affiliate of Our Family Wizard. Read more.