Serving the needs of separated and divorcing families

Articles on Parenting Coordination

  • Appell, J. The role of parenting coordinator: PC from A-Z.
  • Bailey, Deborah Smith. A niche that puts children first, APA Monitor.
  • Bartlett, B, (2009). Parenting coordination: A new tool for assisting high-conflict families. Oklahoma Bar Association,
  • Boyan, S., (2011). What is Parenting Coordination? Georgia Psychological Association, Spring Conference Newsletter
  • Boyan, Susan. (2000). What is a parent coordinator? Specialized therapists and mandated high conflict families. Family Therapy News, June/July 2000, AAMFT
  • Boyan S. Recognizing Parental Alienation, Georgia’s Family Law Newsletter, Spring
  • Boyan, S. Asset or Liability?: Stepparents and High Conflict Divorce.
  • Boyan, S., Parenting Coordination in Michigan October MPA Newsletter
  • Boyan, S., & Termini, A. (2006) The marriage and family therapist as parent coordinator, AAMFT Family Therapy News Magazine, May/June
  • Boyan S., and Termini, A.M. (1998). The Next Step: Cooperative Parenting During and After Divorce, Today, Juvenile and Family Justice, A Publication of the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges
  • Boyan S., and Termini A.M. (1996). Cooperative Parenting During and After Divorce, Georgia Association For Play Therapy Newsletter
  • Boyan S., and Termini A.M. (1996). The Next Step: Cooperative Parenting During and After Divorce. Seminar and publication presented at the Annual Conference of Georgia Association For Parent Educators
  • Boyan, S., Termini, A. M. Divorce Abuse, Family Law Newsletter, Atlanta, Georgia
  • Brophy, C., D’Abate, D.A., Mazzoni, S, & Giudice, E. (2020). Emerging parenting coordination practices around the globe: What have we learned. Family Court Review, Vol 42, Issue 3, pp. 710-729.
  • Cameron, J. & Hasting, H. Parenting coordination: Expanding alternative dispute resolution in family law. The New Hampshire View.
  • Coates, C. , Deutsch, R., Starnes, Sullivan, M & B. Sydlik, (2005). Parenting coordination for high conflict families. Family Court Review, Vol 42, Issue 2: 246-262.
  • Crusco, K. (April 2009). Parenting coordination for high conflict parents. New Hampshire Family Law,
  • Dale, M.D., Bomrad, D, $ Jones, A. (2020). Parenting coordination law in the U.S. and Canada: A review of the sources and scope of the PC’s authority. Family Court Review, Vol 58, Number 3, pp. 673-709.
  • Drozd, L., Deutsch, R., & Donner, D. (2020). Parenting coordination in cases involving intimate partner violence. Family Court Review, Vol 58, Number 3, 774-792.
  • Ellis, E., and Boyan, S. (2010). Crafting Interventions for Parenting Coordinators in Alienation Cases, Family and Marriage Publication
  • Ersek, Eric & Skok, Stuart M. Parent Coordination: The new trend. Maryland
  • Fidler, B.J., & McHale, J. (2020). Building and enhancing efficacious coparenting in parenting coordination. Family Court review, Vol 58, Number 3, 747-759.
  • Guidelines for Parenting coordination at
  • Higuchi, S.A., & Lally, S. J. (2014). Parenting Coordination in Postseparation Disputes: A Comprehensive Guide for Practitioners. American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.
  • Hoge, W. & Associates. (2004). Parenting coordination program. www.divorcenet/Kentucky.
  • Judge Ho, V.M., & Rosen, J. Parent Coordinators: An effective new tool in resolving parental conflict in divorce. Family Law Newsletter, Florida.
  • Mitcham-Smith, M & Henry, W. (2007). High conflict divorce solutions: parenting coordination as an innovative Co-Parenting intervention. U. of Florida Safe Family Journal, Vol 15, No 4.
  • Saini, M., Belcher-Timme, & Nau, D. (2020). A multidisciplinary perspective on the role, functions, and effectiveness of parenting coordination. Family Court Review, Vol 58, Number 3, pp 658-672.
  • Silverman, R. E. (2007). Parenting Coordinators: A referee for mom and dad. Wallstreet Journal, September 19, 2007 see New Hampshire Bar Association.
  • Staley, M., Halberg, B. & Boyan, S. Parenting coordination: As seen from the bench, a family law attorney and parenting coordinator.
  • Sullivan, M. (2005). Ethical, legal and professional practice issues involved in acting as a psychologist parenting coordinator in child custody cases. Family Court Review. Vol 42, Issue 3, pgs. 576-582.
  • Sullivan M., & Burns, A. (2020). Effective use of parenting coordination: Considerations for legal and mental health professionals. Family Court Review, Vol 58, Number 3, pp. 730-746.
  • Task Force. (2020). New AFCC guidelines for parenting coordination (2019). Family Court Review, Vol 58, Number 3, pp 644-657.
  • Van Tine, N. (June 2, 2009). Who, or what is a parenting coordinator? Mass. Divorce Law Monitor.
  • Whitehurst, Dorothy. (2008). Research on the success of Cooperative Parenting and Divorce Psychoeducational Groups for Co-Parents, Journal of Divorce and Remarriage, Volume 48, number 3/4/08.
  • Yasenik, L, Graham, J., & Fieldstone, L. (2020). Child voice in parenting coordination: Toward a model of inclusion. Family Court Review, Vol 58, Number 3, pp 760-773.
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